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By Major General Paul Vallely (USA, Ret)

“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason? For if it prospers, none dare call it treason.” Sir John Harrington, circa 1650.

For many years, the radical left has been working to normalize treason, to make it socially acceptable. Jane Fonda and John Kerry (well-connected leftist “ruling elites”) had the spotlight in the Vietnam era. While still a serving Naval officer during the war, Kerry met with the enemy to support them in Paris. Fonda posed on an antiaircraft gun in Vietnam, doing a photo op to support shooting down our planes. Neither was punished, and both became folk heroes for the Marxist left. Meanwhile, our brave soldiers, often young draftees, were spat upon when they returned home and called “baby killers” by the left-leaning (now Fake News) media.

Recently, Kamala Harris publicly proclaimed support for violent, destructive, city-burning-dines Antifa rioters. She raised bail money for them. This gave aid and comfort to enemies of America, but no one even bothered to charge her with treason. The “Overton Window” – what’s socially acceptable to discuss — had been shifted.

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