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Trey Gowdy Leaks Evidence Showing Hillary Clinton Betrayed America

Former South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy remains a thorn in the side of the Deep State. No one has done more to call out and destroy corrupt officials.

And Gowdy has dropped the hammer and exposed strong evidence suggesting Hillary Clinton knowingly betrayed America by pushing false information to bring down President Donald Trump.

While speaking with Fox News’ Martha MacCallum, Gowdy claimed the FBI heavily relied on and cited information from Sidney Blumenthal — a longtime Clinton ally and fixer — as corroboration for claims made in the still unproven Steele dossier.

This, Gowdy argues, is “highly problematic.”

Gowdy said when he was still in Congress, he saw an FBI spreadsheet that detailed all of the specific claims in the dossier.

This information is highly classified, so Gowdy took a big risk to reveal some of its contents on live television.

“I’ve seen the spreadsheet, Martha, I have seen each factual assertion listed in that dossier, and then I’ve seen the FBI’s justification. And when you’re citing newspaper articles as corroboration for a factual assertion that you have made, you don’t need an FBI agent to go do a Google search,” said Gowdy, who served on the House Intelligence Committee.

“When the name Sidney Blumenthal is included as part of your corroboration, and when you’re the world’s leading law enforcement agency, you have a problem,” he added.


So what does this have to do with Hillary Clinton?

From late 2015 to early 2016, the left-wing firm Fusion GPS hired Steele — a former British spy — to compile the dossier.

As the 2016 presidential election was ramping up, Clinton and the Democratic National Committee paid Fusion GPS roughly $9 million to fund Steele’s anti-Trump operation.

The FBI, which was led by fired FBI Director James Comey at the time, used the Clinton-DNC funded dossier to launch the Russia investigation against Trump.

This paved the way for Robert Mueller to be appointed as the special counsel and lead a two-year long witch hunt into Trump.

Consider that: a Clinton-DNC funded hit piece was used by Comey’s FBI to trigger the entire Russia investigation against Trump.

The president and Republicans have accused the FBI of improperly relying on the unverified dossier to obtain warrants to spy on members of the Trump campaign during the election.

Gowdy also noted that the FBI did not inform the FISA court judges — which grant or deny surveillance warrants — that Steele was investigating the Trump campaign on behalf of the Clinton campaign and DNC.

Blumenthal, who is one of the Clintons’ closest political allies, was at the center of this and played a crucial role in elevating the dossier and the bogus allegations about Trump to the highest level of the federal government.

The dossier was so phony and salacious that even Mueller’s final report debunked the dossier’s core claim that the Trump campaign was involved in a “well-developed conspiracy of co-ordination” with the Russian government.

Mueller’s team was unable to find any evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia, which is exactly what the Clinton-DNC dossier alleged.

Clinton and her allies attempted to use a totally false dossier to remove Trump, the duly elected president of the United States.

That is arguably the biggest political scandal in modern American history.

Gowdy knows this, which is why he is trying to warn Americans.



One Comment

  1. Frank Roper Frank Roper October 6, 2019

    The FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign began in July 2016 — months before the FBI was even alerted to the existence of the Steele dossier.

    The inciting incident, according to Sharon LaFraniere, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo at the New York Times, had to do with WikiLeaks, which published hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in July 2016. Those emails prompted Australia’s top diplomat in Britain to inform his American counterparts about a conversation he had two months earlier with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.

    During a night of heavy drinking in London, Papadopoulos bragged to the Australian about his knowledge that Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails that would embarrass Mrs. Clinton, apparently stolen in an effort to try to damage her campaign,” as the Times put it. Papadopoulos has since agreed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation and was sentenced to just 14 days in jail, even though Mueller’s team in a court filing said he “did not provide ‘substantial assistance.’”

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