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Trump FINALLY Fires Back At Pelosi: Come Back To Washington And Do Your Job!

President Donald Trump finally fired back at Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who has done a series of interviews from her San Francisco, California, mansion, criticizing the White House’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and congratulating her fellow Democrats for blocking an emergency measure that would have injected an additional $250 billion into a fund to help save small businesses.

“Crazy ‘Nancy Pelosi, you are a weak person. You are a poor leader. You are the reason America hates career politicians, like yourself,’” Trump tweeted Thursday morning, tagging Fox News host Sean Hannity, who also laid into the Democrat leader Wednesday night.

“She is totally incompetent & controlled by the Radical Left, a weak and pathetic puppet,” Trump continued. “Come back to Washington and do your job!”

Pelosi has been on a tear this week, doing a series of media appearances designed to undermine confidence in the White House and prop up Senate Democrats who are standing firm in opposition to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) efforts to extend the Paycheck Protection Program, a fund designed to give forgivable government loans to businesses with fewer than 500 employees to keep them afload during coronavirus-related lockdowns.

The $350 billion PPP officially ran out of money Thursday morning, leaving thousands of American small businesses in the lurch, but Democrats want any extension of the fund tied to guarantees that similar handouts will be given to hospitals and state and local governments, and further restrictions on PPP loans that would put minority and female small business owners at the front of the line — restrictions that Republicans say will stall the much-needed cash.

Pelosi even sent a letter to her Democratic colleagues this week, “criticizing the president for his coronavirus response, saying he ‘dismantled the infrastructure handed to him which was meant to plan for and overcome a pandemic, resulting in unnecessary deaths and economic disaster,’” according to Fox News.

She also objected to President Trump’s decision to cut off funding to the World Health Organization, calling the move “illegal,” despite the WHO’s clearly faulty response to the coronavirus pandemic, and laying the blame at the feet of the Trump administration. The president, Pelosi said, “was warned about the pandemic” and “ignored those warnings.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said, blaming Trump for the outbreak. “This decision [to defund the WHO] is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged.”

Pelosi delivered similar messages on a late night talk show and on MSNBC earlier this week, defending Democrats’ decision to cut off help for suffering small business owners, from in front of two $10,000 SubZero refrigerators located in her San Francisco home. In later appearances, her staff moved her remote setup.

She does not plan to return to Washington, D.C., until at least May 4th; House leadership issued a memo to Democrats on Tuesday saying there will be no Congressional session in April absent an emergency.

President Donald Trump threatened, in anger, to dismiss both houses of Congress on Wednesday during his coronavirus press conference, if the two bodies did not return to the work and begin confirming administration nominees and passing critical legislation. It is unlikely that President Trump posesses that kind of authority under the Constitution.


One Comment

  1. John W John W April 17, 2020

    Tell me why none of the Politician’s are working? President Trump, Vice President Pence and all their Staff and heads of government are working daily, some around the clock! Non of these slackers should receive any pay! They were Elected (Hired) to run our Government under Oath! why are they NOT in Washington doing their sworn Duty? Mr. President, ORDER all of these pretenders and slackers back to work, and stay there until this Country is back on it’s feet again! Why do we allow these lazy, over paid so called legislatures to do this! We, the american people deserve a lot more than we get from these high paid Actor’s! This is what we get for Voting the wrong people into Office!…Remember this when it is time to Vote! be very careful who you put your trust in going forward!

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