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Trump Has 2-In-3 Chance Taking Back The White House In New Election Forecast

By James Meyers


Former President Donald Trump has a 2-in-3 chance of winning the presidential election in November, according to The Economist’s election forecast model launched on Wednesday. 

The model currently predicts that Trump has a 66-in-100 chance of winning, while President Joe Biden has a 33-in-100 chance of winning.

The results are similar to a forecast model from Decision Desk HQ and The Hill released last month.

In that model’s most recent update, Trump holds a 56-in-100 chance of winning the presidency, while Biden has a 44-in-100 chance.

In mid-June 2020, the same model gave Biden an 83% chance of winning the White House.

“Our model is updated every day and combines state and national polls with economic indicators to predict the election results across the country. To work out the likely electoral-vote totals, we run over 10,000 simulations of the election,” The Economist said.

Additionally, The Economist model on Tuesday showed Trump winning 296 Electoral College votes with Biden receiving 242. A total of 270 electoral votes are needed to win the presidency…


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