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Trump Makes a Big Promise About What Will Happen When He Wins



One of the main reasons Joe Biden is doing so poorly in the polls is that people can remember how much better the economy was under Donald Trump. Wages were up, prices were low, and you didn’t need someone touring the country to convince you the economy was booming.

 The media likes to pretend something different is going on. They always do. The usual suspects in the media predicted economic disaster if Trump was elected, and despite getting serious egg on their faces, they continue to push the myth that Biden has been better for the economy—largely based on the long-debunked claim that he created more jobs than all of his recent competitors combined—when, in fact, once you account for pre-pandemic job levels, Biden’s actual record isn’t much to brag about.

But I digress.

It doesn’t take a political genius to predict that the economy is bound to improve should Trump (or any Republican) win the presidency next year. We all know it, even if most Democrats won’t admit it—though polls show quite a few do admit that Biden’s policies have hurt them.

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