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Trump praises SCOTUS ruling on affirmative action: ‘This is a great day for America’

by: Julia ManchesterThe Hill


Former President Trump praised Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling dealing a blow to affirmative action, calling it “a great day for America.”

“People with extraordinary ability and everything else necessary for success, including future greatness for our Country, are finally being rewarded,” Trump said in a post on Truth Social. “This is the ruling everyone was waiting and hoping for and the result was amazing. It will also keep us competitive with the rest of the world. Our greatest minds must be cherished and that’s what this wonderful day has brought. We’re going back to all merit-based—and that’s the way it should be!”

The pro-Trump super PAC MAGA, Inc. gave Trump credit for the ruling, citing his nomination of conservative justices to the high court.

“President Donald Trump made today’s historic decision to end the racist college admissions process possible because he delivered on his promise to appoint constitutionalist justices,” said Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman for the PAC. “America is a better nation as a result of the historic rulings led by Donald Trump’s three Supreme Court nominees.”

Former Vice President Pence, who is running against Trump in the GOP presidential primary, issued his own statement praising the ruling…


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