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Trump: Pro-Hamas Anti-Semites Are ‘Radical Left Lunatics’



Donald Trump emphasized the fact that it is the political left, not the right, responsible for the new Nazism that is driving antisemitic riots on college campi.

Students and off-campus agitators have joined in rioting and pro-jihadi encampments that led to hundreds of arrests by law enforcement. In comments to the press quoted by Breitbart, which he made before entering the Manhattan courthouse, Trump expressed his support for police arresting pro-Hamas protesters.

“These are radical left lunatics,” he emphasized. In separate comments made last month, Trump previously addressed the argument, one supported by years of rejected offers, that the Palestinians will not accept peace with Israel and a “two-state solution.”

Trump told reporters, “I’m so proud of New York’s finest. They’re great, great people, too. I know so many of them. They’re incredible. They did a job at Columbia. And likewise, in Los Angeles, they did a really good job at UCLA.”

He continued by noting that the Biden administration and its federal law enforcement has been targeting alleged right-wing extremism while left-wing extremists scream terrorist slogans in the streets.

“This is a movement from the left, not from the right. The right is not the problem despite what law enforcement likes to say,” Trump stated. “The FBI director said that he worries about the right. Don’t worry about the right; the right is fine. Worry about the left because this is a movement from the left.”

The GOP presidential candidate, who has defined himself as the law and order candidate this election, ended, “These are radical left lunatics, and they gotta be stopped now because it’s gonna go on and on, and it’s gonna get worse and worse, And, you know, they take over countries, okay, and we’re not letting them take over the USA. We’re not letting the radical left morons take over this country…


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