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Trump’s Historic Iowa Win Causes MSNBC Host to Completely Implode

Matt Vespa
By Matt Vespa 

If there is one thing that’s always entertaining, it’s the liberal host seething and fighting back tears while putting on a calm and composed face for the audience. Everyone at MSNBC was ripping shots and popping pills in between commercial breaks. Donald Trump won the Iowa Caucuses by the widest margin in history, 30 points, and clinching over 50 percent of the vote. The GOP base is riding with Trump, and this momentum is sure to carry into New Hampshire, which, despite propaganda by Nikki Haley’s camp, is also Trump country.

Trump’s Iowa win caused the panel on MSNBC to implode, especially Rachel Maddow, who took an academic approach to how this win symbolizes the United States’ push toward authoritarianism. She would know that the extreme right is ascending because she’s studied it.


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