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Tucker Carlson reveals email sent to ICE officers after Biden’s deportation order: ‘Release them all, immediately’

‘As of midnight tonight, stop all removals’

Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed Friday that his team exclusively obtained an email showing how Immigration and Customs Enforcement was directed to carry out one of President Joe Biden’s executive orders on immigration.

What’s the background?

After entering office on Wednesday, Biden signed numerous executive orders, many of which reversed the policies of his predecessor, now-former President Donald Trump.

One of the executive orders enacted “a 100-day pause on deportations for some undocumented immigrants,” according to the Texas Tribune.

More from the Texas Tribune:

The pause in deportations, which begins Friday, is part of a review and reset of enforcement policies within Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services agencies as the Biden administration “develops its final priorities,” according to a DHS statement.

The moratorium applies to “certain noncitizens ordered deported to ensure we have a fair and effective immigration enforcement system focused on protecting national security, border security, and public safety” according to the DHS. That category excludes any immigrant who is “suspected of terrorism or espionage, or otherwise poses a danger to the national security of the United States,” those who entered after Nov. 1 and those who have voluntarily waived any rights to remain in the country, according to a DHS memo.

What did the email say?

Carlson said that his team obtained an internal email sent to ICE officers in Texas.

The email read, “As of midnight tonight, stop all removals. This includes Mexican bus runs, charter flights and commercial removals (until further notice) … all cases are to be considered [no significant likelihood of removal in foreseeable future].”

“Release them all, immediately. No sponsor available is not acceptable any longer,” the message added.

According to Carlson, the directive is the “result of the complete chaos” that resulted from Biden’s sweeping executive order.

The official who sent the email noted that he was just “the messenger” explaining the directive. In other words, It wasn’t his idea. It was Joe Biden’s. Now, this email was news to us. The memorandum from the Biden administration to halt deportations did not call for people here illegally to be released from detention. So we made some calls, and we learned that the Department of Homeland Security is currently hammering out how to enact the memorandum. It does not specifically call for the instant release of all migrants in detention.

So what was this memo about? Just the result of the complete chaos that resulted when the incoming administration changed a policy this big on its first day without explaining what it means.

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