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Tucker Mocks Brian Stelter’s World Economic Forum ‘Disinformation’ Panel

By Kevin Tober

On Wednesday night’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, on the Fox News Channel, the eponymous host used the opening segment of the show to mock former CNN janitor and current Harvard University fellow Brian Stelter and all the other “self-confident dumb people” who flocked to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to thumb their nose at non-elites all over the world and America in particular. In classic Tucker fashion, he humorously ridiculed Stelter while also driving a point home.

Breaking down the gathering of rich and powerful morons, Tucker noted that “if this is all starting to sound like a bad CNN segment to you, a parade of self-confident dumb people, rich in self-esteem, low in wisdom, giving moralizing lectures to one another’s applause, well let us confirm that for you.”

“Where was Don Lemon? Why wasn’t he there? Well, he wasn’t. That’s on next year’s program, no doubt,” Tucker said sarcastically. “This year, we’re not making this up. America’s favorite unemployed media critic, Mr. Brian Stelter, ladies and gentlemen.”

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