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TWITTER FILES PART SIX: Taibbi Shows That The FBI Is A ‘Subsidiary’ Of Twitter

By 100 Percent Fed Up


In the latest installment of the “Twitter Files”, independent journalist Matt Taibbi shows how the FBI worked hand-in-glove with Twitter to censor accounts, often citing “election security” concerns.

The previous installment, released by former New York Times journalist Bari Weiss, showed the company’s internal communications as they essentially made-up reasons to ban President Trump.

In part six of the Twitter Files, Taibbi cites numerous examples where the FBI reached out to moderators and executives at Twitter to get posts taken down.

Some of the posts, such as a post where a poll worker claimed that they would not count someone’s vote if they were not wearing a mask, were obvious satire.

Other requests targeted high-profile conservative accounts such as the Right-Side Broadcasting Network.


TWITTER FILES PART SIX: Taibbi Shows That The FBI Is A ‘Subsidiary’ Of Twitter (

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