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TX High School Students Violently Assault Assistant Principal, Sending Her to Hospital With Serious Injuries [VIDEO]

By Amber Crawford

On Thursday, a group of ninth-graders at a high school in Texas formed a mob and brutally assaulted an assistant principal, beating her so badly that she had to be rushed to the hospital and suffered serious head injuries.

In an incident caught on camera, an assistant principal at Westfield High School jumped in to break up a physical fight that was happening in the hallway of the school. When she stepped in, the students turned on her and began to attack her instead.

The assault was so violent that it reportedly triggered a seizure.

According to an anonymous teacher at the high school, “Three or four other kids jumped in on [the assistant principal]. Just pummeled her to the ground, and they started kicking her and pulling her hair. She loves those kids. She is the nicest person, and she’s the best administrator that we have at Westfield High School.”

“It broke my heart,” the teacher said. “It makes me want to cry.”

The assistant principal has not been publicly named, but her family has reported that, due to the injuries she sustained, she was left unable to speak and is suffering from severe head pain…


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One Comment

  1. Ventriloquist Kriket Ventriloquist Kriket May 4, 2023

    Texas N words, can’t read or spell, but learned to raise hell.

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