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U.S. city’s ban on home Bible studies reaches climax

By Bob Unruh


A California city that had banned home Bible studies, and threatened one resident with zoning violation prosecutions, has decided to back down.

Officials there also say they are reworking their present city ban on renting any public facility for “any” religious event.

The news about the developments in the City of Manhattan Beach, California, comes from the American Center for Law and Justice, which has worked on the situation there.

The legal team announced this week that the city “has reversed course and provided assurances that it will not interfere with residents’ in-home gatherings and Bible studies simply because they are religious.”

The ACLJ joined the dispute after a resident was issued a notice of an alleged zoning violation for holding a gathering in his home for a religious meeting on a Sunday.

“In early 2024, our client (a resident of the City of Manhattan Beach) began gathering in the privacy of his own home with fellow Christians to watch church on TV and fellowship together. In April 2024, our client received a notice from the City of Manhattan Code Enforcement notifying him of an alleged zoning violation: establishing a new religious assembly use without a permit,” the ACLJ explained.

The resident requested a meeting with city officials, which didn’t go well, as they insisted that holding a gathering in his home “for any religious purpose or activity without a permit” was banned…


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