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U.S. Funding Pushes The World’s Poor To Kill Their Own Kids



Western governments prefer to provide nonessentials like contraception and abortion, undermining the pro-family cultures in many countries.

On World Contraception Day (Sept. 26) and International Safe Abortion Day (Sept. 28), the culture of death celebrates its efforts to depopulate the world. The Biden administration must publicly denounce the racist agenda behind its domestic and global policies regarding “sexual and reproductive health.”

As outlined in the 1974 “National Security Study Memorandum 200,” also known as “The Kissinger Report” and subtitled “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests,” the agenda behind “sexual and reproductive health” is not health care but population suppression, particularly in the developing world.

Decisions made at the highest levels in the U.S. government and by wealthy Western foundations profoundly affect the lives of people halfway around the world. No country has escaped the pressure from agencies that advocate for “sexual and reproductive health,” a euphemism that includes contraception, sterilization, and abortion…


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