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UK Ministry of Defense: The first six pilots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine completed basic training on F-16 fighters

By Topwar

The UK has completed training of the first group of Ukrainian pilots. As the press service of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense reported, the Ukrainians have already left British territory and gone to Denmark.

Six representatives of the Ukrainian Air Force completed the basic training program in the UK and went to Denmark, where they will continue their training and also begin practical flights on F-16 fighters. At the same time, another group of ten Ukrainian pilots remains in Britain, which will continue their training.

As the UK Ministry of Defense explained, the six most experienced pilots completed the training; they had been training since August, the training concerned piloting and studying aviation terminology in English. Now ten trainees are taking the same course, they are mastering aviation medicine and training in a centrifuge. There is no information on this group yet.

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