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Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Stumbles: What Went Wrong?

By Patriots Daily Digest


Ukraine’s summer counteroffensive has failed, we’re told, with headlines like “U.S. Intel Insiders Admit To Russia’s ‘Victory,’” even if that one is from the reliably pro-Kremlin Hindustan Times quoting the reliably unreliable Seymour Hersh.

Even more sobering takes highlight Russia’s “devilishly brilliant series of defensive trenches,” which have resulted in a “failure — so far” of the operation.

The naysayers are given credence by a look at the map of the frontlines, which have barely moved since the counteroffensive started in June. If we take a step back, the situation looks worse for Kyiv than it does for Moscow. It’s not that everything is perfect.

Let’s take a look at some of the details that lie beneath the headlines. They are spectacular…


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