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Ukrainian Morale Is Dead As Remaining Soldiers Face ‘Grimness Of The Future,’ As Sad Video Shows Performer Singing To Demoralized Troops

By Jacob M. Thompson

With the mainstream media finally beginning to admit the war in Ukraine is a lost cause, the soldiers that remain and have been conscripted to fight know and are forced to cope with the fact that their fate is sealed.

TIME Magazine last month wrote a detailed piece that admitted that Ukraine for intents and purposes is defeated, but President Zelensky will not relent though his cabinet and close contacts are urging to seek peace. SEE: Zelensky Says He ‘Feels Betrayed’ By The West As Support For Ukraine Erodes, While Zelensky’s Aids Admit Defeat

In September The WinePress reported that an Ukrainian paper called the Kyiv Star claimed in a detailed post that around 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers perished in battle. The number has presumably increased since then.

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