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Unearthed videos of suspects in Gov Whitmer kidnap plot suggest they are anything but pro-Trump right-wingers

Vivek Saxena

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Though a group of men who were arrested Thursday for plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer are widely being portrayed as Trump-supporting Republicans, the evidence suggests at least two of them are anti-Trump, anti-police anarchists.

The evidence includes video footage of one of the suspects describing President Donald Trump as a “tyrant” and “enemy.” Yet the only “Republicans” who view the president in such a light are Never Trump “Republicans” like Nicolle Wallace.

“United States Attorney Andrew Birge announced today that six men have been arrested and charged federally with conspiring to kidnap the Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer,” the FBI announced in a press release Thursday.

The release went on to identify the suspects as Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta.

One of the suspects,  Brandon Caserta, reportedly had a YouTube account full of videos featuring him trashing the president, the police and the government.

Robby Starbuck, a Cuban-American music video producer known for his conservative commentary, spotted some of these videos and shared them to his Twitter feed before YouTube reportedly disabled Caserta’s account.

The suspect can be seen in the videos (*Language warning) …

Trashing the president:



Trashing the police:

Trashing the Declaration of Independence:


Trashing voting:


These are not the viewpoints of a Republican …

On Thursday, at least two additional Michigan men were reportedly also arrested but by state authorities in Michigan, not federal officials.

“Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico are founding members of the Wolverine Watchmen. Joseph Morrison is considered Wolverine Watchmen’s ‘Commander’ and is known by the online moniker ‘Boogaloo Bunyan,’” the Michigan State Police announced.

According to the statement, the two had worked “together” with Caserta’s crew “in planning and training for various acts of violence, including kidnapping politicians and storming the Michigan Capitol Building in Lansing.”

While Morrison and Musico are also being portrayed as “right-wingers,” again video evidence has emerged suggesting they lean toward anarchism, not conservatism.




Regardless of which ideology these men align with, the fact remains that they’re now behind bars in part because of actions taken by the Trump administration.

Yet despite this fact, Whitmer responded to the men’s arrests by trashing the president.



The remarks were so brazen and disrespectful that they provoke the president into launching into a three-tweet rebuttal.






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