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Unintended Globalist Consequences? The Effort to Criminalize “Gender Apartheid”

by Selwyn Duke


It’s a now old story: Man will so often tackle a radical mistake with another radical mistake and, in so doing, sometimes administer a “cure” worse than the disease. This appears to be the case again, too, with a proposal to make so-called gender apartheid illegal under international law.

The issue: Aghast at how women’s treatment is worsening in Afghanistan and Iran, some want to shackle the whole world with laws that would ban, as writer Akanksha Khullar puts it, “the social, economic or sexual discrimination of individuals based on their gender identities or sex.”

Khullar, a visiting fellow with the Observer Research Foundation, cites a “diverse group of female leaders” in Iran and Afghanistan as calling for such a prohibition. But one could wonder: Do they know that Khullar and others are piggybacking the MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status — “gender identities”) agenda on their women’s “rights” appeal?

Do they know that this agenda has been used to enable men masquerading as women to invade women’s arenas, such as restrooms, locker rooms, and sporting and other competitions?

Do they know that the very people pushing this agenda most ardently claim to not even be able to define what a woman is?

Moreover, even if the MUSS agenda were omitted and only “sex apartheid” prohibited, this could logically be used to eliminate male-only military drafts and sports-related sex segregation. While this would be a wonderful object lesson in “equality” folly, has Khullar considered such outcomes? (I asked her this via her website; as of publication time, she hasn’t responded.)

Writing at Firstpost Sunday, Khullar relates that a campaign titled “End Gender Apartheid Today” began on March 8, International Women’s Day, to bring attention to women’s plight in Iran and Afghanistan. She then informs that the “word apartheid has been derived from the Afrikaans word ‘apart’ and was first used to describe the institutional racial discrimination of black people in South Africa during the second half of the 20th century.”





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