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United Nations Foundation Funding Climate Activism in 12 State Governments



The group wired $5.4 million to 12 state governments between 2020 and 2022, with grants often being vaguely earmarked for “UN strengthening.”

The last time we checked on the United Nations, in terms of its attempt to manipulate climate hysteria into more money and power for its bureaucrats, many of the participants in its annual climate conference challenged the assertions about Net Zero and fossil fuels. Ultimately, the “Iron Law of Electricity” won the day.

Now it turns out the UN may be quietly funding climate cult antics in the bureaucracies of 12 states within this country.

The United Nations Foundation, a nonprofit founded in the 1990s to support global U.N. initiatives, is quietly fueling climate change policies in top Democratic state government offices nationwide, Fox News Digital has learned.

The Washington, D.C.-based organization — which was “created to work closely with the United Nations” — houses the U.S. Climate Alliance, a coalition of Democrat-led states launched to coordinate environmental policy after former President Donald Trump withdrew from the U.N. Paris climate accords. As part of the initiative, the United Nations Foundation has wired millions of dollars to state governors and agencies, in many cases even funding state officials’ salaries.

According to United Nations Foundation tax filings reviewed by Fox News Digital, the group wired a staggering $5.4 million to 12 state governments between 2020 and 2022, the most recent year with data available, with grants often being vaguely earmarked for “UN strengthening.” Further, information requests shared with Fox News Digital indicate another state, Michigan, received $451,000 from the group circuitously routed through the University of Michigan.

North Carolina has been the biggest winner, receiving $1.2 million in U.S. Climate Alliance grants. The monies were sent to the state’s Office of the Governor, Department of Commerce, and Department of Transportation.

In the same time frame, the nonprofit sent $853,000 to Maine’s Office of the Governor, Energy Office and Department of Agriculture. And New Mexico’s government received another $725,193, sent to its Environment Department and Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department.

“It is extremely concerning that global government activists may be secretly influencing public policy in New Mexico,” New Mexico state Senate Republican Leader Greg Baca told Fox News Digital. “If these grants are funding employees within our state agencies, the people of New Mexico deserve to know about it. We call on the Governor to disclose the details of what these funds are being used for and why New Mexico was selected as a beneficiary.”

State departments in Michigan, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin have received funding from the U.S. Climate Alliance…


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