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Unknown aircraft machine gun Degtyarev


By Topwar

In the comments to the publication “Service and combat use of captured German machine guns after the end of World War II” one of the regular visitors to the Military Review website asked me to tell you in more detail about the Soviet aircraft machine gun YES, and I promised to do so. Aviation Degtyarev’s machine gun, of course, is known to aviation enthusiasts and military experts stories, but the general reader is not so familiar with it.

The creation of the YES aircraft machine gun, the prerequisites for its appearance and design features

After the end of the Civil War in the Workers ‘and Peasants’ Red Air Force navy there was a huge variety of aircraft machine guns for various ammunition. Soviet combat aircraft at that time used machine guns: Lewis, Vickers, Hotchkiss and Colt.

In the 1920s, the outstanding domestic gunsmith V. G. Fedorov and his assistant and student V. A. Degtyarev, as part of the small arms unification program weapons On the basis of one model in the mid-1920s, work was carried out to create a single machine gun complex chambered for the Japanese 6,5×50 SR cartridge.

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