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Unlike Big Pharma or Government, Businesses that Mandate Covid Vaccines are LIABLE for Adverse Reactions

By  JD Rucker

There are loopholes in place that protect government from getting sued over “guidance,” and suing Big Pharma over vaccines is pretty much impossible. But businesses mandating vaccines for employees CAN and likely WILL be sued.

The CDC, OSHA, and common sense are clear. Businesses that mandate their employees, whether new hires or current, to take the Covid-19 vaccines as a requirement for employment are liable for lawsuits if ANY adverse reactions occur. As we’ve documented many times on NOQ Report, there have been a slew of reports of major negative reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines, including paralysis, brain clots, and death.

Mainstream media is doing their part in not reporting on these as much as possible, covering up anything that goes against the accepted narrative regarding these vaccines. But as the cases mount up, even the puppets in media are starting to ask questions. Should people be concerned? Yes. Should businesses, schools, or anyone require vaccines as conditions for anything? Absolutely not.

Nevertheless, more and more businesses are starting to make these vaccines a requirement for employment. Delta is the latest to make big news over it. And as Newsbusters pointed out, mainstream media is covering for them:

The media have embraced a dystopian vision by encouraging businesses to mandate vaccines as a prerequisite for employment. The woke company Delta Air Lines has reportedly caved to anti-freedom and un-American pressure from the left.

Business Insider reported that Delta Air Lines “will mandate COVID-19 vaccines for new hires.” In addition, “the company may stop current staff members from working on international flights if they refuse a vaccine, its CEO [Ed Bastian] said.” Bastian reportedly told CNN May 13 that “‘[a]ny person joining Delta in the future, a future employee, we’re going to mandate they be vaccinated before they can sign up with the company.’” Delta’s decision followed weeks of a cacophony of media outlets propping up the idea that businesses either should or could force prospective employees to disclose their private medical histories as a condition of employment.

Liberal CNBC Squawk Box co-anchor  Andrew Ross Sorkin posted a pontificating tweet the morning of May 14, gloating about how he called for businesses to adopt dystopian medical policies since 2020:

Back in December, I started writing about the need for businesses to mandate vaccinations when they became widely available. Now they’re widely available. If business is genuine about helping society, they have an opportunity to prove it right now.

Barron’s also published an absurd op-ed headlined, “Let Employers Mandate Vaccines.”

The leftist Center for American Progress (CAP) released an article on how “Employers Can Accelerate COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts.” Here was one of CAP’s prescriptions: “Consider requiring vaccination if employees’ jobs involve a high degree of COVID-19 risk to themselves, consumers, or the general public.”

The Washington Post published a story May 4 snarkily headlined, “Yes, it’s legal for businesses and schools to require you to get a coronavirus vaccine.”

Business magazine Fast Company published a piece May 13 virtue-signaling to businesses: “If you want to put employees’ minds at ease, showing that you’re striving to provide a fully vaccinated workplace will go a long way—and a mandate is the surest way to accomplish that goal.”

CBS News published an April 13 story, headlined: “Can businesses require proof of vaccination? Experts say yes.”

Lest we forget, the Covid-19 “vaccines” are not FDA-approved. They are considered to be experimental gene-manipulation drugs that may or may not reduce infection rates. But when we look at the first half of May, we see that a mostly vaccinated America is still pacing much higher than the previous May at the height of Covid infections:

May, 2020, was a devastating month for America. We were over a month past the “15 days to slow the spread” and Covid-19 cases were spiking across the country. Nursing home deaths were mounting and Big Pharma companies were racing to get to their big payday, also known as the launch of their Covid-19 vaccines.

A year later, we have the vaccines. Over 100 million Americans have been vaccinated, which means that things are much better than they were a year ago, right? Actually, no. According to the Worldometers database which is the authority on Covid-19 cases worldwide, the United States has more cases in the first 13 days of May, 2021, than we did in May, 2020. It’s not even close.

The first 13 days of May last year saw 340,463 new cases of Covid-19 reported. That number has jumped up a whopping 47.4% year-over-year for the first 13 days of May, 2021 with 521, 027 new cases reported.

If that doesn’t seem to make sense, you’re thinking for yourself. If you’re scrambling to make excuses about better testing now or reduced restrictions and lockdown mandates, you’re still thinking like the government, mainstream media, and Big Pharma want you to think. Their mentality is this, “Take the vaccine because we said to. Researching it for yourself or looking at the facts must not happen. And above all else, do not ask questions. Those are forbidden.”

It isn’t just mandates that would leave businesses liable, either. According to multiple legal sources, even incentives that are restricted only to those who receive the vaccine are questionable at best and may open up businesses to other types of discrimination lawsuits. Bob Unruh from WND explains it all nicely in a recent article:

Vaccine mandate comes with liabilities for employers

‘If you require your employees to be vaccinated any adverse reaction is work-related’

The COVID-19 mask mandate, mostly, has been taken off the backs of Americans just this week, and Joe Biden’s White House credits the vaccines, which were developed under President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed program, for raising the general level of immunity to COVID-19.

So a lot schools and universities and other organizations have made those vaccinations mandatory to attend coming classes and events.

But for employers, such a demand also could create a serious liability.

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration has released guidance that notes, “In general, an adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine is recordable if the reaction is: (1) work-related, (2) a new case, and (3) meets one or more of the general recording criteria in 29 CFR 1904.7 (e.g., days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid).”

Further, OSHA explains, “If you require your employees to be vaccinated as a condition of employment (i.e., for work-related reasons), then any adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine is work-related. The adverse reaction is recordable if it is a new case under 29 CFR 1904.6 and meets one or more of the general recording criteria in 29 CFR 1904.7.”

Liberty Counsel, a legal team that advocates for individual and religious rights, notes that to avoid liability, employers “should not require employees to receive any COVID shot.”

Doing otherwise could impact their official safety record.

“Some employers are now offering financial incentives, opportunities to win prizes, or paid time off to receive the COVID shots. Employees who chose not to receive the ‘voluntary’ injection and therefore miss an opportunity to receive a prize could argue they suffered ‘repercussions’ for their choice,” the legal team continued.

“In addition, the ‘professional advancement’ of an unvaccinated employee who is not permitted to work at a particular job site may be affected.”

Liberty Counsel explained that none of the new COVID shots is approved or licensed by the Food and Drug Administration yet. They’ve been in use under the Emergency Use Authorization, which technically means that cannot be forced or required.

They were given emergency use authorization by the Health and Human Services department last year, which means people must be told the risks and benefits, and they have the right to decline a medication that is not fully licensed.

“In addition to this federal law, the FDA includes the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Declaration on its website, emphasizing the fact that people cannot be forced to take experimental drugs without their full consent,” Liberty Counsel said.

“Forcing employees to receive one of these experimental COVID injections is a violation of federal law. The COVID injections are not licensed by the FDA and are still in the investigation and experimental phase. No employer or government may force or coerce anyone to take these injections. Federal law requires full informed consent. Employers that require employees to take a COVID shot may be held liable for adverse reactions and death,” said Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver.

Employers forcing employees, new or old, to take the non-FDA-approved experimental Covid-19 “vaccines” are completely liable for ANY adverse reactions. With nearly 5000 people dead following the vaccines already, business owners should think twice.


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