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URGENT: Demand for Congressional Action Against Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Deception

By CD News Team

URGENT: Demand for Congressional Action Against Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Deception

It’s finally happening! The liar, Anthony Fauci is testifying before the House about the origins of COVID-19, where we will certainly see more of his lies unravel, allowing for him to be criminally prosecuted for perjury! Let Congress know that, We the People demand that they, as representatives of the people, use Dr. Fauci’s testimony to its full potential: unveil the truth, expose the lies, and hold him accountable for any perjury committed. 

Back in early 2023, Senator Rand Paul accused Dr. Anthony Fauci of lying to Congress about NIH funding for gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origins of COVID-19. Fauci’s May 2021 denial was contradicted by his own subsequent emails, including one from February 2020 revealing his knowledge of NIH-funded gain-of-function experiments at Wuhan University. A Government Accountability Office report confirmed NIH funding for the Wuhan Institute, and Paul’s investigation uncovered a research paper detailing gene splicing at the Institute, meeting the criteria of gain-of-function research.

Here’s the crux: Fauci testified under oath that the NIH never funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Yet, he was aware of such research occurring and crucially lied about the NIH’s involvement in funding what is undeniable gain-of-function research.

GOTCHA! Fauci LIED! That is perjury, he needs to face criminal charges!

Now, Republicans such as Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, have urged Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Fauci’s former statements.

Now in June of 2024, Fauci is finally testifying to the House about the origins of COVID. Meaning his lies about the NIH funding for Wuhan lab gain-of-function and the COVID-19 origins will unravel, meaning he can and should be tried for perjury!

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