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US aiming to put nuclear pressure on Russia and China – media

Washington is reportedly set to change its stance after Moscow and Beijing supposedly rebuffed non-proliferation overtures

By RT International

The US is set to announce changes to its nuclear weapons policy on Friday, a senior government official has told the Semafor news outlet.

Washington is set to adopt a “more competitive approach,” supposedly after Russia and China ignored its calls for talks on non-proliferation and arms controls, the source said. Washington wants to show to Moscow and Beijing that they “will face a diminished security environment if they continue to refuse to engage.”

The official revealed few details about the changes, only stating that the development of a new version of a nuclear gravity bomb was part of the US strategy. Washington also wants key allies to have better long-range strike capabilities and surveillance abilities.

Some of the planning is being made in the expectation that US President Joe Biden will win a second term in office, and will have to deal with the expiration in 2026 of the New START treaty, the last bilateral binding agreement limiting American and Russian nuclear stockpiles. Last year, Russia formally suspended its participation in New START citing hostile US policies, but vowed to observe its core terms that put a cap on nuclear weapons and delivery systems.

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