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US Army Cuts 24,000 Positions Due To Recruiting Failure, As Army Says It’s Running Out Of Money Due To Funding Ukraine

by Jacob M. Thompson


“We would cease to exist, [if these funds were not allocated from elsewhere within the Army’s budget],” a senior Army official said.

Struggles continue to compound the United States Armed Forces, none more so than the Army, which announced that they will be cutting 24,000 positions because of years such low recruitment. On top of that, the Army has indicated they are running out of funding to supply forces in Europe and Africa, unless Congress passes a new refunding package by May.

In a plan to restructure the Army these positions represent 5% of its overall forces, and are being decommissioned from their vacant roles due to recruitment levels falling short. The Army is now repositioning these servicemen for future conflicts, perhaps creating new strike forces.

Stars and Stripes reported: ‘The cuts will mainly be in already-empty posts — not actual soldiers — including in jobs related to counterinsurgency that swelled during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars but are not needed as much today. About 3,000 of the cuts would come from Army special operations forces.’

These changes will take place between fiscal years 2025 and 2029.

However, the Army did announce that 7,500 positions were being added to its air and missile defense.

Task & Purpose also noted: ‘The Army’s force restructure plan includes bringing down “authorized” troop levels to around 470,000 soldiers by fiscal year 2029. The Army’s current total force is around 445,000 which is less than its allowance of 494,000 soldiers due to the service’s recruiting and retention crisis brought on by the economy, quality of life issues and image-related problems on sexual assault and suicide rates.’

We’re moving away from counterterrorism and counterinsurgency. We want to be postured for large-scale combat operations. So, we looked at where were there pieces of force structure that were probably more associated with counterinsurgency, for example, that we don’t need anymore…


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