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US Department Of Defense Data Suggests COVID mRNA Shots Meant To Be A Race-Specific Bio-Weapon: Report


Data analysis indicates the possibility that COVID mRNA vaccines are bioweapons designed to target specific race groups – particularly Native Americans.

Natural News reported on the JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Center) that has examined data on 5.6 million Medicare enrollees aged 65 and older. Humetrix, a real-time data and analytics platform that monitors health care results, provided the data.

According to the study’s results, in the first 5-6 months following vaccination, vaccine failure increases significantly.

Vaccine failures, often known as “breakthrough” infections, are on the rise, with the number of cases almost tripling among those who had their vaccinations 5-6 months ago, compared to those who received their vaccinations just 3-4 months ago…


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  1. xsnake xsnake November 19, 2021

    Well… the article’s author’s own calculations, it is not “race specific.”
    It’s out to get anyone that is inoculated…..most just suffer the consequences, at a later date.

  2. Steve Steve November 19, 2021

    When do the hangings begin?

  3. jakee308 jakee308 November 19, 2021

    This is interesting coming from the DoD as it is the military that currently is pursuing the full vaxxination of all members of the military with 0 exemptions.

    Where’s the disconnect? Why aren’t the military being told by the DoD about this study?

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