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US Navy Patents a Triangular Aircraft Which Alters ‘The Fabric of Our Reality’

By Brett Tingley

Posted: 24 April 2019


UFOs come in many forms, but one of the most commonly reported objects is the ubiquitous triangular black aircraft. For decades, numerous witnesses throughout the world have reported seeing such aircraft, leading to speculation that at least one of the world’s air forces could possess or be testing such a craft.

That speculation gained a few degrees of legitimacy in 2017 when a patent dated from 2004 turned up online which appeared to show a design for  black triangular craft similar to those reported in so many UFO sightings. That patent was reportedly filed by a man named John Quincy St. Clair, a shadowy figure who pops up time and time again in these types of aerospace technology patent stories. Is he a real person? Why is this mysterious patent in his name?

Those questions remain unanswered, but this week several somewhat dubious outlets like Sputnik News have reported the discovery of another patent for a strange triangular aircraft, this time one that uses an “internal mass reduction device” capable of incredible feats of propulsion. The patent claims the inventor of this craft is Salvatore Cezar Pais, a name which also pops up in many odd and futuristic military patents. The assignee of patent number US10144532B2 is the US Secretary of Navy, who filed the application in April 2016.


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