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US Senate Advances $95 Billion Aid Package For Ukraine, Israel, And Taiwan, But Leaves Out Border Security Again

By Jacob M. Thompson

Today the United States Senate voted 67-32 to advance a new funding package, providing fresh support for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan – all valued at roughly $95.3 billion. This bill does not provide any additional funding for border security, something that has drawn plenty of ire.

The bill will officially be put to a vote next week and must get passed then, before the lawmakers go on recess. The House will then eventually need to pass this.

The bill was supposed to be a bit bigger at nearly $118 billion which originally had funds for added border security, but got dropped and 17 Republicans voted to advance the new bill.

Ukraine gets most of it, valued at $61 billion. It is reported that it will not just go for weaponry, but for rebuilding efforts as well. On top of that, this new funding adds onto the $110 billion that has approved for Ukraine since 2022.

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