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US university professor shoved to ground by rightwing youth activists

By Rachel Leingang


Arizona State University is investigating a potential hate crime against one of its staff after members of Turning Point USA followed and harassed the professor, then shoved him to the ground.

Video footage posted by Turning Point, a rightwing youth organization known for its aggressive tactics, shows a cameraman and another person questioning David Boyles, an English instructor and the co-founder of Drag Story Hour Arizona, last Wednesday after Boyles taught a class on LGBTQ+ youth in pop culture and politics.

In the video, Boyles, who is queer, does not engage with Turning Point’s repeated questions, such as “How long have you been attracted to minors?” and why he hates America, accusing Boyles of wanting to “push sodomy on to young people”. A Turning Point representative walks side by side with Boyles and peppers him with questions, telling Boyles at one point, “You can’t run…


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