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USA Today faces backlash and deletes series of tweets which ‘normalize’ PEDOPHILIA by claiming it is ‘misunderstood’ and a condition ‘determined in the womb’


USA Today was forced to delete a series of tweets after the paper was blasted for  trying to ‘normalize’ pedophilia by saying it is ‘misunderstood’ and a condition ‘determined in the womb’ – yet has kept the article available online despite the outrage.

On Monday, USA Today published an article by staff writer Alia E. Dastagir titled ‘What the public keeps getting wrong about pedophilia,’ where she cited researchers who study pedophilia and say it is a misunderstood term that describes an attraction to minors, not an action.

The article also claimed that pedophilia is a condition that is developed in the womb.

‘Not all people who sexually abuse children are pedophiles,’ Dastagir wrote. ‘Some pedophiles never abuse children, experts say, and some people who sexually abuse children do not sexually prefer them, but use them as a surrogate for an adult partner. They may be disinhibited and anti-social, with impulse control problems.’ …


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