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Utah Democrats Perform Olympic Medal-Worthy Faceplant Trying to Dunk On Governor Spencer Cox

By Grateful Calvin


Calling the southern border in the United States a sieve right now would be an insult to sieves. The record numbers of illegal aliens flooding across the border every day and then being funneled into virtually every state has been a crisis all through the Biden administration ever since the current President issued executive orders on his first day in office canceling many Trump-era border policies that were working.

It has gotten so bad that even hardcore leftist Democrats like Chris Murphy are finally admitting that it is a crisis.

Recently, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott issued a statement in defiance of the Biden administration, saying that Texas will continue to enforce the border and more than 20 Republican governors — including normally kind of squishy Utah Governor Spencer Cox — declared that they stand with Texas. Cox and many others also committed to sending National Guard forces from their states down to assist Texas.

This has made many Democrats very unhappy, including the Utah Democratic Party, which took to Twitter today to try to embarrass Cox with a meme.

But, since everyone knows that the left can’t meme, they only succeeded in executing a hilarious faceplant.

Oh, isn’t that cute? They can draw on a map…


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