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Vaccine-Injured Have to ‘Talk in Code’ or Facebook Deletes Their Accounts

By  The Epoch Times

By Allan Stein
After he was injured in April 2021 by Pfizer’s COVID-19, “Nick” started a public vaccine injury group on social media hoping to find answers and share practical solutions to help others like himself deal with lasting physical effects, but members had to “talk in code” or face censorship.

Nick started a public vaccine injury support group on social media about a year ago after receiving his one and only Pfizer shot for COVID-19.

That was back in April 2021, and he began suffering almost immediate neurological reactions after the injection, including temporary paralysis.

“I’ve had my entire life shattered by this vaccine,” Nick said, asking that his last name not be used. “It took me about nine months to get to a doctor willing to help me. They throw you under the bus. They leave you for dead.”

Nick launched the vaccine injury support group hoping to find answers and share practical solutions to help others like himself deal with lasting physical effects associated with COVID-19 injections.

The “absurd” part, he said, was the way that members used code to avoid being flagged or deleted. Words like “vaccine,” “injury” and “Pfizer” had to be avoided.



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