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Vaughn Klingenberg: Deeply Saddened by the News

Will It Ever Stop?

Letter To The Editor

To whom it may concern,

I am deeply saddened by the news that Israel is resuming its massive and indiscriminate bombing campaign against Gaza Palestinians. My interpretation of Israeli tactics is that they are deliberately targeting women and children–maybe even more so than Palestinian men. The point of this tactic itself appears to be to exacerbate Gaza’s Palestinian suffering in extremis by withholding water and food and destroying the sanitation system to spread deadly diarrhea and cholera among the Gazans, especially young Palestinians, to get them to leave. But even more, the main tactic is to absolutely destroy Gazan Palestinian’s homes and apartment dwellings so there is absolutely no shelter for them whatsoever anymore in Gaza—especially with the onset of winter—and force neighboring Arab states to take in destitute Gazan Palestinians since Israel is not going to do that. (Of course, the American Media will not air this transparently obvious Israeli strategy and tactic.) In other words, to repeat, the deliberate inhuman barbarism the IDF is visiting on the Gazans is being done to force neighboring Arab states (in particular, Egypt) to relent and force Egypt to take in Gazan Palestinians on humanitarian grounds to avoid civil unrest in Cairo. The Machiavellian Israeli goal then is to behave as inhumanely as possible towards Gazans to orchestrate genocidal and decisive ethnic cleansing and clear Gaza once and for all of all Palestinians.

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