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Vicious Democrat: Hollyweirdo Patton Oswalt wishes Trump supporters die from COVID-19

This post first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds

Patton Oswalt, 51, is a stand-up comedian, actor, writer, and an atheist.

Like so many Hollywood denizens, Oswalt is a rabid Trump-hater.

On December 12, 2019, that President Trump is “a stupid asshole” and all who had voted for Trump — 62,984,828 Americans — are stupid assholes as well.

Not content with calling us “stupid assholes,” more recently, Oswalt tweeted his wish that “MAGAt”, i.e., Trump supporters, die from COVID-19. As of the time I’m writing this post, his tweet — and therefore, his death wish — received more than 2.3 thousand “likes”.

Patton Oswalt really should mind his own business.

Given the fact that he is obese and the fact that obesity increases the risk of dying from COVID-19 by nearly 40%, it’s more likely that Oswalt will die from COVID-19.

While I vehemently disagree with Democrats and the Left, I have never wished them death, and certainly not death from a horrible disease like the COVID-19 Wuhan virus.

These are the people with whom we are contending. There really is no peaceful way to resolve our differences. See “Not a hyperbole: We really are in a civil war” and “Former CIA officer: Arm yourself; violence by the Left will worsen in next 2 years”.


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  1. Paul S Smith Paul S Smith August 4, 2020

    What this ton of leftist scum does not realize is that Trump supporters do not get exercised about a “disease” that has a mere 0.045% death rate compared to the population of the USA as do the hypermanic, hypochodrical, histrionic, hysterical lefties.

  2. JOHN W JOHN W August 5, 2020

    I Voted for Trump, so I am a Deplorable back wood’s ignorant Ass####! But, I did not sell my Soul to the Devil for a few pieces of Silver and Hatred. I probably should turn my cheek by your assault, but that would let you think that I was weak and cowardly! That would be a terrible mistake on your part! You have no idea what the silent Majority holds for ASS**** like you!…. It’s a shame that Ignorant, ill raised and Bred , totally useless Human flesh like you are even recognized! Go crawl back into your Hole, and take your Commie friends with you!

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