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VIDEO: Cyber Attacks Rise Under “Weak” Biden as Advisers Push Fear of Energy Grid Attack Risk

by 100percentfedup

In the aftermath of the virtual attack on the Colonial Pipeline, many have called into question the cybersecurity situation of the country’s entire national grid. Unfortunately, in an interview with CNN, current Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm admitted that this concern is very well justified, saying that “The United States’ energy grid is vulnerable to an enemy attack.”

In a moment of bluntness during the interview, CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Granholm unambiguously whether the country’s rivals and enemies had the wherewithal to bring the nation’s energy grid to a standstill, to which she replied, “Yeah, they do.” Granholm added that “There are thousands of attacks on all aspects of the energy sector and the private sector generally” and that cooperation between them was needed in addressing the security of the country’s energy grid.

Indeed, the Justice Department made the issue of ransomware a priority in light of the recent attack on the Colonial Pipeline by hackers. However, Granholm also cautioned against ceding to hackers’ demands, particularly regarding the paying of ransom demands. This comes in the wake of the operators of the Colonial Pipeline caving into the demands of the hackers and paying $4.4 million in ransom.

Granholm argued that ceding to hacker’s demands would further compound the problem “by sending a bad message.” Instead, she advocated for increased sensitivity to cyberattacks on the part of energy producers, including but not limited to notifying the federal government of such breaches as soon as they happen.

Could the attacks be on the rise due to the “weak” leadership from Biden?

It’s interesting that Granholm and Biden’s Commerce Secretary are pushing the topic of cybersecurity asking private businesses to act to protect themselves while pushing the “Infrastructure” Bill. Is the Biden administration using the cybersecurity threat to promote this bill?

Jen Psaki was flip when asked why the attacks have increased under the Biden administration:

The Biden regime is touted to make cybersecurity a top issue to address in the coming years through international cooperation and cooperation with the private sector. How this vulnerable situation was allowed to persist in the first place remains a question yet unanswered.


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