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Virginia Judge Rules Kids Can Buy Sexually Explicit Books Without Parental Consent in an Easy Win for Groomers



McCarthy vote-splitter Tommy Altman filed the “futile” lawsuit during campaign season, distracting from the pro-trans record of GOP’er Jen Kiggans.

A Virginia judge has ruled that kids can purchase sexually explicit books without parental consent; a headline-grabbing victory for the pro-groomer left brought on by a vote-splitting candidate’s lawsuit against Barnes and Noble. The suit, filed by ex-2nd District GOP Primary candidate Tommy Altman, is being blasted by his Trump-aligned former opponent Jarome Bell, for having been a futile effort from the start.

Judge Pamela Baskervil dismissed a lawsuit today in Virginia Beach against the Barnes and Noble bookstore chain, claiming in her ruling that Virginia’s obscenity laws cannot be applied to sales the books of “Gender Queer” and “A Court of Mist and Fury” under constitutional due process.

Attorney Tim Anderson, who took the case to court, argued that materials targeting children should be held to a higher obscenity standard than those meant for adults, but Judge Baskervil ruled that the court couldn’t set those standards on behalf of the state. Altman and Anderson had previously sought a restraining order on the sale of the books but withdrew that request before the obscenity hearing.

Another portion of the case, which targeted the book “Gender Queer” in Virginia Beach Schools, was deemed “moot” by the court because parent groups unrelated to the suit have already successfully fought to have it removed from library shelves.



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