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Walmart Family Signals BIG Trouble Coming Down The Pipe?

Walmart Family Signals BIG Trouble Coming Down The Pipe?
Walmart Family Signals BIG Trouble Coming Down The Pipe?

By raymondmhor


Some big news took place last week that you are not hearing in the mainstream media and, in fact, in not very many places at all.

The Walton family, who own 50%+ of controlling Walmart stock, made a very shocking move.

But first, some quick background.

In America, it is estimated that Chinese suppliers make up 70-80 percent of Walmart’s merchandise.

That leaves less than 20 percent for American Made Products.

In 2013, Walmart committed to purchasing $250 Billion in American Made goods by 2023.

This is just 6 percent of Walmart’s net sales over the past decade.

Come 2023; the company has only spent 3.2 percent on American Made Goods.

That means roughly 96.8 percent of their goods are Chinese-made, Chinese-sourced or even BRICS sourced.

Second, Walmart is the number two employer in the U.S. The first is the U.S. Government.

I mention this because, to be number two in the U.S., you have a lot of logistics and supply chains going on.

You also have a lot of intel coming in so that you can maintain those logistics and supply chains.

But This is The Kicker

The Walton family, the primary owners of Walmart, have been aggressively conducting “insider” selling from March 2023 to June 16th of this year, where they have dumped over 71 million shares of Walmart stock.

That is $10,172,590,200.00 that they have made from March till June 16th.

That is a LOT of money and a lot of stock that they are dumping just this year alone.

I have looked at their past numbers, and yes, they have been selling here and there, but not at such an aggressive rate as they have in the last three months.

NOTE – There was that time when Alice Walton sold 9,508,240 shares of stock back in June 2021, but she also funded and built an art museum in New York. The odds are that is where that money went too.

Otherwise, when you look at their insider trading numbers, over the past years, there have been way more aggressive selling taking place these last three months vs. the prior years.

Ok, so here are the high points I want you to ponder…

– Roughly 96 percent of goods at Walmart are probably Chinese-made, Chinese-sourced or from BRICS nations. Give or take a few percentage points.

– Walmart is the #2 employer in the U.S., with strong logistics, global supply chains, and intel.

– In the past three months, the Walton’s have been aggressively selling Walmart stock more than ever, totaling over 71 million shares. This is more than they have ever sold in the past.

So why are three family members selling this much stock so fast?

As I mentioned, to have the global logistics, supply chains, and such, you know that they have their ears to the ground as to what may be coming down the pipe.

This is their lifeblood, and I can think of only two things that would cause chickens to flee the coop.

First, they have a pulse on purchasing and see something economic coming.

Yeah, this is a possibility… but honestly, that is a slow burn, and Walmart has faced economic issues before. They have been able to tighten down the ship and sail through these types of storms before.

So, what would cause the family to dump so much stock in just 90 days?

What about losing all their Chinese / BRICS supplies and suppliers in a very short amount of time?

Think about it, if you had roughly 96 percent of your goods coming from China or goods made somewhere else but with raw materials sourced from Chinese, and suddenly all that dries up, what would you be doing?

I would be setting up a nest egg for myself if I had the means to do so, and they have the means to do so.

With all that is happening in the world, what could possibly cause this knee-jerk selling of stock?

War with China? Possibly, but not quite yet.

My personal opinion… BRICS and the 23 Nations joining BRICS in August of this year.

New BRICS+ Alliance Coming Together in August 2023

The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, has stated that ‘over a dozen countries have formally applied to join the BRICS grouping following the group’s decision to allow new members earlier this year. The BRICS currently includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

In 2014 they set up the New Development Bank (N.D.B.) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). These were created to offer alternative financing provided by the I.M.F. and World Bank, which BRICS felt imposed political reform policies designed to assist the United States.

This subverts the SWIFT banking system that the U.S. has set up, which the U.S. has now leveraged to weaponize the U.S. Dollar.

In the past, even with our worst enemies, we did not weaponize the dollar. But the current administration has done so and took back billions of sovereign-owned Russian dollars “illegally,” depending on who you are talking to.

Seeing what the U.S. has done to Russia, BRICS and other nations want to ensure their assets are safe and free from this weaponization from the current admin. So, twenty-three countries are running to BRICS because they have lost faith in the SWIFT and U.S. Dollar system.

Here is the BIG news – If these 23 nations are accepted, the new proposed BRICS members would create…

An entity with a G.D.P. 30% larger than the United States.

They will have over 50% of the global population.

AND… be in control of over 60% of global oil reserves.

Here is a map of the proposed BRICS+ nations…

READ FULL ARTICLE HERE… – Raymond Mhor – The Kilted Prepper

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