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Warsaw has already received 8 South Korean combat training aircraft, but not a single Polish pilot knows how to fly them

Warsaw has already received 8 South Korean combat training aircraft, but not a single Polish pilot knows how to fly them
Warsaw has already received 8 South Korean combat training aircraft, but not a single Polish pilot knows how to fly them



The Polish Ministry of Defense continues to actively modernize its army. Along with the purchase of American tanks Abrams and the Korean “Black Panthers” (Hyundai Rotem K-2), the Polish army plans to temporarily “transplant” part of its air force from the outdated MiG-29 and Su-22 to light FA-50 Fighting Eagle fighters, purchasing them from the same South Korea.

It is reported that Warsaw already has at its disposal as many as eight of the aforementioned combat training vehicles. Meanwhile, at the moment, not a single Polish pilot is capable of flying a Korean aircraft. At least on your own.

This situation should become indicative for the Kyiv regime, which is persistently asking the West for speedy deliveries of American F-16s. Especially considering that the American plane, unlike the Korean one, is single seat…


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