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Was Covid Vaccine Fetal Tissue Obtained by the Murder of an Infant?

By Jon Rappoport


(Episode 2 of Rappoport Podcasts — “HIV, The White House, and The Montana Prophet; When The HIV Debate Went Public, Almost” — is now posted on my substack. To listen, click here. To learn more about Rappoport Podcasts, click here.)

With the release of COVID vaccines, and then the mandates, we’ve seen a new resurgence of people attempting to gain religious exemptions.

Many of these attempts focus on fetal tissue obtained through abortion.

On January 19, 2021, AnnaMaria Cardinalli published an explosive article in Crisis Magazine, headlined, “Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine.”

Cardinalli details the collection of fetal tissue for the cell line named HEK 293.

The tissue was taken from an aborted infant in the Netherlands in 1972-3.

This cell line was used for “testing” the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.



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