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Washington Examiner joins Fox News, other ‘conservative’ frauds calling on Trump to concede

By JD Rucker

There was a time not too long ago when I considered the Washington Examiner to be among the most honest right-leaning news outlets out there. But in recent years, they’ve attempted to label themselves as centrist, unbiased, and in no way beholden to conservatives or Republicans. It’s worked out as they intended; just like Fox News and Daily Caller, their pageviews have risen in during the Trump administration even as they’ve systematically changed their editorial stance.

But like Fox News and the Daily Caller, they have abandoned their conservative roots. That’s their choice, and even though I do not personally like that—there are too many left-leaning news outlets that require a counterbalance—I do not hold that decision against them. However, they’ve joined the opposition to both President Trump and conservatism. That’s something I must call out, especially in light of their recent post calling on the President to concede.

The article could have easily been written as a Democrat press release or Chinese Communist Party advertorial. The talking points are straight out of the disinformation playbook being run by mainstream media and Big Tech. For example, they claim, “No fraud or error produced tens of thousands of additional votes for Biden in battleground states.”

Even if we ignore that they’re stating as fact something that cannot be established with anywhere near certainty, we can’t ignore that it’s almost certainly incorrect. The circumstantial data for massive voter fraud in at least six states is public and very damning. But within the evidence we haven’t seen yet, evidence that will not be public until it’s presented in court, it is almost certain we’ll see fraud and errors that contributed well more than tens of thousands of additional votes for Biden.

They then went on to invoke Georgia’s hand count. It is now known based on legal filings by Lin Wood that the hand counted numbers in Georgia were not reported. Local election officials were instructed to report the original counts, making the so-called victory questionable still. The hand count was for show and there is still open litigation to demonstrate this.

But arguably the most egregious act of propaganda was when the Washington Examiner pulled a Tucker Carlson by saying if there were evidence, the Trump team would have given it to the press. This is ludicrous prima facie. With the election over, the attorneys have one goal: Winning lawsuits that would make the election lawful. It does not behoove them to play their hands prior to discovery and open court. But the editors at the Washington Examiner are well aware of this. They’re gaslighting with leftist talking points.

Fox News, Drudge Report, Daily Caller, and now the Washington Examiner have lurched to the left. It’s time for patriots to embrace independent and honest news outlets who still know conservativism stands for truth.

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