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Watch: Epic Brawl At Popeye’s Drive-Thru Ends In Arrests And No One Getting Their Chicken Sandwiches

The buzz about Popeye’s new chicken sandwich has officially gone viral – and its internet popularity is translating into a full on free-for-all at various Popeye’s locations across the U.S. as obese fast food customers have come to fisticuffs at various locations, arguing about who will have access to the coveted sandwiches and in what order, of which there has been a limited supply.

“Popeyes struck when the chicken sandwich iron was hot. But it also used the most visible player in the game to generate its own noise,” QSR Magazine said, referring to the chain’s ongoing Twitter feud with sandwich rivals Chik-Fil-A.

It’s a marketing strategy straight out of the movie Idiocracy – and it’s working.

Case in point: a Temecula, California resident has captured yet another brawl between two couples in the drive-thru lane of a local Popeye’s restaurant. In a video posted to YouTube called “The Best Popeyes Fight With Commentary” (indicating that yes, there are so many of them, that this one is the ‘best’ relative to others), a couple is seen arguing and cursing with another couple in the drive-thru lane.

“I’ve been here for an hour!” an unruly customer screams at the drive-thru attendant, while outside of his car, in between cursing at the customer behind him and his wife. The customer, who is white, uses the N-word several times, causing tensions to rise.

“I’m psycho!” the customer screams, before pushing one woman, while her husband stands behind her watching. The women then start fighting each other before all four members of both couples fall to the ground in a brawl. The brawl is eventually broken up by police.

“…all this for a chicken sandwich…” the woman taping the brawl says.

If it wasn’t the chain’s intention to cause this much disruption, the response to a simple sandwich has undoubtedly been far more disturbing than they have ever could of imagined. But then again, the clever marketing strategy for the chicken sandwich may very well be working exactly as planned.


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