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Watch Israel, Because I Believe That Events Of Historic Significance Could Soon Happen


by Michael


I would encourage all of us to watch Israel very carefully in the coming days, because I believe that we could soon see some incredible events take place.  In particular, I am specifically watching for a couple of things.  Rumors of an imminent war between Israel and Iran are starting to reach a crescendo, and I am entirely convinced that such a conflict could potentially erupt this year.  Also, I am closely watching for an announcement about the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant.  Needless to say, such an announcement would be the greatest archaeological bombshell in history.  The current location of the Ark has been kept very quiet for a long time, but the Israeli government is not going to be able to keep a lid on this indefinitely.  And when the truth finally comes out, literally everything will change.

Let me start my discussion by talking about the coming conflict between Iran and Israel.  It is one of the “3 Wars Of The Apocalypse” that I wrote about earlier this month.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is pledging that he will do whatever is necessary to stop Iran from building their own nuclear weapons, and he realizes that Israel has now reached put up or shut up time.

It won’t be too long before this war begins, and earlier today we learned that the U.S. and Israel are currently conducting drills “thought to be focused on Iran”





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