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WATCH: Larry Elder slams critical race theory as ‘narrative that pits blacks against whites’

By The Post Millennial

In a campaign video posted to social media over the weekend, conservative radio host Larry Elder, a favored candidate for California governor, slammed critical race theory and discussed the real problems in the black community.

“A black reporter recently said, Elder, what is your opinion about Critical Race Theory? I said, ‘You mean the narrative, that pits blacks against whites, that pits Asian Americans against Hispanic Americans?'” asked Elder, the top contender against Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) in the California recall election, on Sunday.
“I said, let me answer the question this way. Pick out your favorite magic wand. Wave it over America. Remove every smidgen of racism from the hearts of white people. Now everybody white thinks exactly like Mother Teresa. Do we still have a situation where 70 percent of black kids enter the world without a father married to the mother, an increase from 25 percent back in 1965?” he continued.
“Do we still have a 50 percent dropout rate in many of our urban high schools, and many of the kids who do graduate cannot read write or compete at grade level?”

“Are 25 percent of young black boys in urban areas still having criminal records, by that I mean in jail, on the run or on probation? Is number one cause of preventable death for young white men accidents, like car accidents or drowning versus the number one cause of preventable death for young black men homicide, almost always at the hands of another young black man?  Is the rate at which young black men are killed eight times the rate in which young whites are killed?”
“If the answer to those questions are ‘yes,’ then I submit to you that systemic racism is not the problem and critical race theory and reparations are not the answer. You’re being manipulated. You’re being used just for your vote. Knock it off,” Elder concluded in the almost two-minute video.



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