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‘We are unwilling to aid and abet this White House…’ GOP poised to deliver payback for Trump persecution

By  Vivek Saxena

Senate Republicans are retaliating against the Biden administration’s political persecution of Donald Trump by holding up confirmation votes.

“Republican senators have vowed to delay the appointment of politicians and judges in addition to stalling the movement of legislation,” the Daily Mail exclusively reported Thursday.

So far 13 senators have signed a pledge put together by Sen. Mike Lee.

“The White House has made a mockery of the rule of law and fundamentally altered our politics in un-American ways,” the pledge reads. “As a Senate Republican conference, we are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart.”

“To that end, we will not 1) allow any increase to non-security related funding for this administration, or any appropriations bill which funds partisan lawfare; 2) vote to confirm this administration’s political and judicial appointees; and 3) allow expedited consideration and passage of Democrat legislation or authorities that are not directly relevant to the safety of the American people,” it continues.

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