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We Have Been Sold a Lemon

By Dave Daubenmire

Christianity is legal in America again!

Those in the used car business certainly understand the phrase “I was sold a lemon.”  Being sold a lemon means that the outside appearance of something does not necessarily reveal the condition on the inside.

In other words, outward appearance is not always indicative of what is at the heart of the matter.

Since at least 1947 the US Supreme Court, with the approval of the other two branches of government, we have sold the lie that there was a separation between the Church and the State.  For over 75 years, Christians in America have been sold that lemon.  The Supreme Court decision Everson v Board of Education criminalized the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the public square…especially in our “public” schools.

Our Government has lied to us.  Our courts with black robes have betrayed us.  Our nation has suffered from the banishment of Christianity to the back of the bus.  Our nation is adrift in sewer-level morality as a result of this separation between morality and State.  If there is no standard of right and wrong, how does one make value judgements?  What is the standard by which something is judged right and another behavior judged wrong?  Who decides?

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