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‘We must be armed with revolutionary theory’ – Floyd Shivambu on EFF book club

EFF deputy president Floyd Shivambu is engaging South Africans who have joined the party’s book club which takes place during the 21-day SA lockdown.

The book club discusses readings recommended by Shivambu which address land expropriation without compensation, capitalism and the EFF founding manifesto.

On Friday Shivambu said these will help South Africans to better understand politics and the party’s fight for land and economic freedom.

“We’ll avail all these books through our digital platforms, and we encourage all of you to read and ask questions so that we are armed with proper revolutionary theory. You cannot engage in the struggle for economic freedom, without having been armed with proper revolutionary theory,” he said.

Addressing club members on Sunday via Facebook Live, Shivambu said the EFF’s seven cardinal pillars from its founding manifesto are non-negotiable as they are central to the party’s fight for economic freedom.

He said that due to the colonisation of SA and the African continent, Africans remain “a defeated people” until they have full ownership of the land and are able to converse in their indigenous languages.

He urged the current generation to continue the fight for emancipation.

“There have been struggles over centuries that sought to give us our rightful place, where we were going to own our land and economy, to drive industrialisation, to have the civilisation that comes with development,” he said, before cautioning that the fight has not been won.

“We have not won the battle yet. There are those who fought it before us.”


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