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“We The People Decide”: General Mike Flynn Speaks To Massive Crowd in Washington D.C.


During the “Jericho March” in Washington D.C. on Saturday, former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn gave an epic speech to the Trump supporters in attendance.

“Jericho is actually a place in history and in our hearts
” Flynn said during the rally.

“We spend our entire lives looking and seeking something more noble than who we are and that’s really why we are standing here today because we are in a crucible moment in the history of the United States of America,” Flynn said at one point during his speech. “And remember, the courts do not decide who the next President of the United States will be
there is a lot of activity that is still playing out
. we the people decide [who will be President].”

During the “Jericho March” in Washington D.C. on Saturday, former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn gave an epic speech to the Trump supporters in attendance.

“Jericho is actually a place in history and in our hearts
” Flynn said during the rally.


“We spend our entire lives looking and seeking something more noble than who we are and that’s really why we are standing here today because we are in a crucible moment in the history of the United States of America,” Flynn said at one point during his speech. “And remember, the courts do not decide who the next President of the United States will be
there is a lot of activity that is still playing out
. we the people decide [who will be President].”

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WATCH the event below:

Jericho marches took place all across the country on Saturday at the capitols of several states as well as the US Supreme Court, the US Capitol and the Department of Justice.

Marchers walked around state capitols, like the Israelites did in the book of Joshua in the Bible, as they prayed for President Donald Trump.

Jericho marches took place all across the country on Saturday at the capitols of several states as well as the US Supreme Court, the US Capitol and the Department of Justice.

Marchers walked around state capitols, like the Israelites did in the book of Joshua in the Bible, as they prayed for President Donald Trump.

Check out what Breitbart reports:

Those who take part in the marches are being asked to select one designated location for “you and your group to pray and walk around” by 9:00 a.m.

At 10:00 a.m., Alice Butler-Short of Virginia Women for Trump, Jo Reitkopp of California Women for Trump, and others will host the “One Nation Under God” Grassroots Rally at the Supreme Court, which includes an appearance from Lt. General Michael Flynn, who received a pardon from President Donald Trump late last month.

Following the event held at the Supreme Court with Flynn, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the “Let the Church ROAR!” prayer rally will be held on the National Mall. According to reports, the event will welcome national faith leaders, political leaders, and praise and worship musicians.


Flynn is also set to speak at this event, which includes appearances from My Pillow founder and CEO Mike Lindell, pro-life activist Abby Johnson, talk show host Dennis Prager, Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Ali Alexander, and others.

According to the rally’s website, “ROAR!” Prayer Rallies and Jericho Marches will begin at 12 p.m. at state capitals in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona.

The march is being co-hosted by,, the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, and Virginia Women for Trump.


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