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Weather Warfare: Weather Modification Technology in Warfare

As the world becoming aware of the environment’s brittleness, more diversified and complex ways have been devised to modify it as a weapon of warfare. Now a new class of weapons more disastrous than nuclear warfare is on the horizon. For altering the environment, weather and climate modification technologies, are the methods that may be used to convert climate and weather systems into weapons of war. It refers to Operation Popeye, which aimed to extend the monsoon season in Southeast Asia.

Captain Orville had cautioned that “if an enemy nation solves the problem of weather control and gets into the position of controlling large-scale weather patterns before we can, the effects might be even more devastating than nuclear conflict”. In this article, we have discussed in-depth Weather Modification Technology in Warfare, and how this method of modern warfare can be used to destroy any country economically, Tactically, Strategically, and Covertly.

What is Weather Warfare?

Weather warfare is a method of warfare in modern warfare that uses weather modification and geoengineering techniques to purposefully alter the weather so that this altered weather can be used in such a way that the enemy nation can be defeated economically, strategically, and covertly, and inflict as much damage as possible. In this situation, the enemy could not fight the war due to bad weather. The most common form of weather warfare technique is cloud seeding, which can be used to increase rain or snow. Weather modification can be used in warfare because it serves as a tactical weapon, a strategic weapon, or a covert way of weakening the well-being of an enemy state…


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