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By Trader Jill (Leigh) Pronouns: Wtf/Is/Wrong/With/You

Welcome to your TOP TEN NEWS STORIES OF THE WEEK (Click for all 10)
2024 tells 2023, “Hold my beer” as it seeks to take out the degenerate champ in the 1st two weeks of the year. I’m here to guide you through this hellscape!
Grab a drink, because you’re going to need it! Wine, bacon and whiskey are the answers to all life’s problems.
1. Biden and the UK team up to bomb the hell out of Yemen after Houthi pirates attack ships in the Red Sea inching us closer to WWIII. Is it probably the right move? Yeah. Will it antagonize Iran and China? Yeah. Is this now the 3rd war Biden has dragged us into? Yup.
When asked for comment Donald Trump said, “Miss me yet?!” Then the public cried themselves to sleep longing for $1.50 gas, affordable housing and food, and no new wars.
2. Taiwan re-elects ruling party for record third term in victory that will likely infuriate China. With a population of about 24million they managed to count all the ballots in 4 hours. Not 4 days. Not 4 weeks. 4 hours. How did they achieve this feat? Paper ballots, single day voting and proof of identity.
Dominion reps stated, “I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little country too!”
3. The CDC was ordered to disclose crucial information from COVID-19 vaccine surveillance system, a federal court ruled.
Data from this system released in 2022 showed 25% of V-safe participants missed school, work or activities following vaccination, and 8% needed medical attention.
Will this stop them from trying to poison (cough) I mean vaccinate every man, woman and child? Nah! The powers that be have decided that all collateral damage is fine. If you’re dead or have some form of turbo cancer than you can’t fight back against globalist communism, right?
5. Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the Surgeon General in Florida calls for an immediate halt to mRNA Covid vaccines due to nucleic acid contaminants, which can lead to turbo cancers.

Coincidentally, we’re seeing a dramatic rise in turbo cancers and unexplained deaths. This is fine…everything…is…just…fine! Now, go grab your newborn and roll up his sleeve!

6. Texas Governor Greg Abbott sees a surprising surge in Testosterone and calls up the states National Guard to stop the Feds from ushering in migrants by the millions. In an expected move the Dept of Homeland Security immediately issues an emergency filing to the Supreme Court to stop Texas from fighting back…


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