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We’re living in a system of new feudalism. Here’s how to change it

By David Degraw


Mainstream media are the most effective weapon of oppression humanity has ever seen – but the wall of propaganda comes crashing down once you can’t afford to eat.

After analysing the concentration of wealth within the United States, the conclusion is clear: America has become a feudalistic society. The income gap between the top 1 per cent of the population and the remaining 99 per cent is now at an all-time high. Since 2009, the top 1 per cent has taken home 95 per cent of income gains. Over the same time period, the five largest “Too Big to Fail” banks have grown by 30 per cent. The richest 400 US citizens now have more wealth than 185 million of their fellow Americans combined. As the rich get insanely richer, the middle class has been eviscerated, with its income in a downward spiral. The US is setting all-time national records of the worst kind: number of people living in poverty; number of people on food stamps; number of children going to bed hungry at night; number of people in prison…





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